Bec de Morgiou Walk

Walk Bec de Morgiou via the Cret de Moriou and climb at Les Abricotier.

We walk in the morning, enjoying seeing what we only saw in darkness last night. A steep path leads up to the col, looking down into the idyllic small port of Sormiou and out along the isthmus of the Bec de Morgiou. During this time Jim was getting calls from  about the state of the flooding and his house. The flooding is a regional emergency and Jim’s house is full of mud from the flood yesterday. A fort guards the end of the peninsula and a rampart. The end is so narrow and the cliffs to high and overhanging the black sea that I didn’t even want to go all the way to the end.

Here it is in satellite view 

We returned to Morgiou via the Sentier de Renard, for lunch and then climbed at les Abricotiers .

All quiet back at the house. We make a lovely tea and sit around singing and playing a guitar that is here.

Sunday 27 December

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